Each fall, we hold Move-A-Thon to help raise funds to support instrumental music, hourly tutoring, teacher stipends, and more at Sacajawea Elementary. This year, we are aiming to raise $30,000 during this event to continue our support of these programs!

How Move-a-Thon Works

1. Encourage your students to collect donations starting October 6th using our Sacajawea Pledgestar website for secure credit card donations. Donors can pledge per lap OR by flat donation. In previous years, the average student completed 20-30 laps during the event. Students can also collect donations using their paper pledge envelopes.

2. On Friday, October 20th, we will have the Move-a-Thon at school! Each class will participate, and volunteers will write down the number of laps completed. Each class will have 10-15 minutes to move through the course on the upper playground.

3. Collect and turn in all donations by Friday, October 27 in order to be eligible for classroom prizes. Pledgestar will notify your sponsors of their totals. Please make out checks to Sacajawea Elementary PTA. All donations from your family and friends will be counted towards your classroom’s overall goal! DONATIONS ARE TAX-DEDUCTIBLE, and do not forget about Employer Match Programs!

We are so excited to be able to have Move-a-Thon this year to help raise money for our school. No donation amount is too small and thank you for all your help!

Questions? Email Jessi Friedrichs (jessi@sacpta.org).


A huge thank you to our sponsors this year!

Your Pledge Page

To raise and collect donations, create your very own Pledge Page. Just click the big button below to get started. Please note, each family creates just one page for all their students.

Volunteer at the Event

We could use your help to make the day go smoothly!

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